Say it Louder: importance of positive self image

Emma Crampton

More stories from Emma Crampton

Opinion editor Emma Crampton shares her thoughts on various topics in her weekly column.

Opinion editor Emma Crampton shares her thoughts on various topics in her weekly column.

Some people don’t truly realize the value of life itself with students all too often seeming to skim over the actuality of how blessed we are. Everyone is guilty of this, and it’s not necessarily something to feel guilty about, but it is healthy to think about how to treat others and yourself better.

First of all, many people seem to be much too hard on themselves. The next time you want to doubt yourself or insult yourself think about it this way; you (hopefully) wouldn’t go up to someone and tell them the hurtful things you tell yourself because it’s unkind. So why do it to yourself? It’s not productive.  

Try switching up the way you talk to yourself and you will see a difference as studies have shown a positive self image is important in a variety of ways. I used to struggle with self esteem issues just like many teens, but changing my self perception worked for me.

Of course everybody has natural moments of insecurity, but viewing yourself in a positive way can change your perspective. Even if someone doesn’t truly believe what they are saying at first, making it a habit will change that. The mind is a very powerful thing and can practically convince one of anything.

Once a person starts gaining self confidence, it can be an amazing feeling to love yourself and you will want everyone to feel the same way. It can even convince people to treat others with kindness and encourage them to treat themselves with that same kindness. Self love and love towards others is long process to achieve, but it is a chain reaction and it is truly worth it in the long run.

The way a person views themselves and others will really can change a person’s perspective on life. Accepting who you are and loving yourself for who you are can open your eyes to all the beautiful things life entails.