Valentine’s canvas painting

Divya Murali

Divya Murali, WTV Staff Reporter

Valentine’s day is typically known for hearts, chocolate, and flowers.

However, StuCo is taking a spin on the tradition by hosting a canvas painting event.

“Basically everyone is going to come and paint whatever they want and since it’s close to Valentine’s Day that’s going to be kind of the running theme,” junior Victoria Gong said.

Not only do the canvases allow for students to express their creativity, but they also go towards a bigger cause.

“Basically the whole idea behind the canvas painting is to give back to the community and at the end of it we’re going to donate the canvases to children’s hospitals and nursing homes,” Victoria Gong said.

The Valentine’s canvas painting event will be today after school in the cafeteria.

I’m Divya Murali reporting for WTV.