Say it Louder: well adjusted child equals well adjusted adult

Opinion editor Emma Crampton shares her thoughts on various topics in her weekly column.

Opinion editor Emma Crampton shares her thoughts on various topics in her weekly column.

Every action parents perform can impact the way a child acts. Children will not just repeat words and phrases but they will reciprocate actions as well. Everyone is told not to curse around young child, so why would somebody act in a negative manner around them? It has the same effect.

Most people don’t realize this, but spoiling a child too much could also be a form of raising them badly. When a child is given everything they want growing up, they will naturally expect that in the real world as well, when, in reality, that is just not how life works. The spoiled child may also carry a sense of entitlement with them even at a very young age.

Personally I just recently had to deal with a child with such a mindset. Babysitting for a wealthy family not too long ago, one of their children (the youngest) was extremely spoiled. She believed that she was supposed to tell me what to do and that she wasn’t supposed to listen to me. So much so, in fact, that when I began to give her directions, she would kick, hit, and/or bite me. It could just be her personality, but I couldn’t help but to correlate her behavior with the fact that she had everything she could ever want or need.

On the other end of the spectrum, not supplying your child with enough attention could also damage them and how they grow up. When a child is neglected by their parent(s), it could make them feel as if they aren’t worth attention. Also, neglect can result in increased rates of drug use, eating disorders, self-harm, and more.

Obviously not an expert on parenting (nor am I claiming to be), but finding the balance between spoiling and neglecting your child is vital in order for them to grow up with a healthy mindset. Staying consistent with this said balance is equally as important so they know what and what not to do and how to behave properly. Not only well it help them adjust as a child, but it will help them be a well adjusted adult.