First for many, last for all

AP Human Geography exam is the first for many freshman and the last AP exam given on campus

AP Human Geography is one of the last AP tests of the year, taking place Friday, the last day of testing.

For the past few weeks, the class has been breaking down a unit each day.

Among the topics being covered: population, culture, politics, agriculture, and many more.

Examples of the questions they are going over:

On which of the following map projections is direction (north, south, east, or west) true everywhere on the map?

Mollweide, Mercator, Peter, Robinson, or Miller?

The answer: mercator.

Each class period consists of a 30-plus question test, a free response question, and an instant review of the test.

As a competition within each class, each tablemates’ test scores will be averaged together to compete against other table groups for the highest test average over topics such as:

All the following are factors motivating the conflict surrounding Quebec, Canada, except…

Language, sovereignty, religion, economic inequality, or colonial roots?

The answer: religion.

For most of the students in AP Human Geography, Friday’s exam will be the first of their high school career.