Featured Athlete: Adrienne Taylor

Sport: Discus | Grade: 10


Provided by Adrienne Taylor

Sophomore Adrienne Taylor placed third in the District 13-5A meet on Monday for discus, advancing to the Area meet.

Wingspan: How long have you been throwing and what got you started?

Taylor: “This is my fourth year. My coach in middle school convinced me to do it, she thought that I would be good a it.”

Wingspan: What fuels your passion to throw?

Taylor: “Knowing that I can do better. Knowing my competition and what they’re capable of and knowing what I’m capable of makes me want to do better than them.”

Wingspan: Who inspires you the most in your daily life to succeed?

Taylor: “I guess it’s my mom because she keeps me motivated and keeps me in the know because she’s crazy and looks up my competition and tells me what they do at different meets.”

Wingspan: What is your favorite part about discus?

Taylor: “Knowing the people because I like the people in there and having good friends and staying in shape.”

Wingspan: What is something that you struggle with and want to improve on?

Taylor: “In competition, staying calm and not freaking out because I know I can do it but I have to prove it because it matters what you do at the meet not practice.”

Wingspan: What motivates you before a meet?

Taylor: “A good warm-up. I usually run a little  bit, run around to get warm and then I do a couple throws inside the ring. I do my footwork inside the ring especially if it’s a different location other than Memorial Stadium.”

Wingspan: Are you proud of what you’ve accomplished at Districts?

Taylor: “I met my goals in qualifying for area, but I didn’t meet my goals PR wise. My personal record is 98 feet and I want to get to 110 feet.”

Wingspan: What are you expecting from the area meet next week?

Taylor: “Yes, I am ready and I am expecting not to get demolished, but getting beat a little bit.”