Monday with Ms. Marvel: living life between breaks


Morgan Kong

In her weekly column, Monday with Ms. Marvel, Wingspan’s Trisha Dasgupta reviews different political issues and relatable topics in everyday life.

Trisha Dasgupta, Staff Reporter

The first day after a long break, such as Thanksgiving, is a long one for both students and teachers alike. After a nice week of much needed relaxation, it’s time to settle back into the tedious early mornings and late nights that come with school. Now, I can’t say that I’m elated to be back, but I’m really shocked at the amount of comments I’ve heard from students who are genuinely distressed at the prospect of coming back to school. 

To me, it seems more serious than the usual “I just want to sleep in” mood that we come back from break with, and more of a sign that many students are actually resenting their days at school. Thanksgiving break has just come to an end, and a lot of students have already started counting the days until our winter break. While I understand, and relate, to a certain extent, I feel as though this constant wait for the next time we have school off, the next break, the next holiday, is something that we need to acknowledge.

From kindergarten, all the way to twelfth grade, we spend nine out of twelve months in school. That’s the majority of our childhood and young life, and we shouldn’t spend all of that time just waiting for the next break. We can’t put our lives on hold for all but a few months and weeks a year. 

Waiting until summer break, or Thanksgiving, or winter, or spring, to have fun and live your life isn’t living your life at all. We need to stop with the tired trope of students hating school and class, and teach kids to have fun and cherish their time during the school year too. 

In order to start living and valuing our time, we need to start making school something to look forward too. I know it can be hard to look on the brighter side when you’re up at 3:00 a.m. working on an essay that’s due the next day, but being happier during the school year can be all because of the little things. 

Try studying in a calm space outside your house, or making a study group with your classmates. Make an effort to make more plans with friends, or pick up a new hobby. Start giving yourself something to look forward to everyday, or at the end of every week. 

One of the ways I make school more enjoyable is plan my outfits the day before. I know it seems silly and a tad childish, but as weird as it sounds, it really does make my morning more tolerable. I really enjoy putting together outfits I think are cute, and I make it a point to pick something out the night before, even if it’s 2:00 a.m, and I’ve been studying for a test the next day. 

Now maybe that won’t work for you, but something even as simple as that can make aspects of your day a lot brighter. Little by little, those seemingly simple tasks add up, and soon enough school won’t seem nearly as dreadful as it does now. It just isn’t enough to be happy for three months a year during the summer time, or every couple of months during the school year. Happiness isn’t a trend, coming and going with the seasons, it’s something that students should feel year round, even when school is in session.