Four-legged cacophony

Guest contributor Eun Jae Kim critics lecture hall chairs


Eun Jae Kim believes the lecture halls chairs are some of the worst she’s sat in.

Eun Jae Kim, Guest Contributor

School is, no doubt, a place for learning and education. The chairs in the lecture hall may be comfortable, but they are very loud and distracting. The creaky sounds that they often create irritate and annoy students.

Many annoyed looks from students can be seen when another student leans back to stretch, squeaking the chair in the process. Therefore, every student feels uncomfortable because they cannot move freely in fear of distracting fellow classmates.

Since the lecture hall is such a big room, it is often difficult for the teachers to project their voice in such a way that everyone can hear. Thus, the sound of multiple chairs squeaking all at once can drown out the teacher’s lectures, which leads students zoning out because they are unable to hear. The consequences are fatal for students, because if they do not listen, it can cause them to not follow instructions, or even miss an important lecture.

Since humanities, the class taught in the lecture hall, is a core class, it is even more important that students listen and pay attention carefully. It is not a class as relaxed as journalism or art, which means that the students should be able to study in a quiet, peaceful environment. This environment cannot be achieved with noisy chairs.

There are several solutions to this problem, one of them being replacing all current chairs with new, less distracting ones. It may cost a bit of money, but if students can improve their concentration and raise their grades, then it is worth it. Another solution is to find out what makes the chairs squeak, and fix it.