Color guard’s season ends early
Winter guard practices for upcoming contests. However with COVID-19 closing schools, restaurants, and many business, it has forced their season to come to an end a little early.
March 27, 2020
Due to the recent outbreak of the coronavirus and the shut down of school, the winter guard group has had to officially cancel the rest of their season.
“It is very sad to have the season end so abruptly, however I am continually thankful for the time that we were able to spend together and the shows we were able to produce,” color guard director Eric Mills said. “My heart goes out to all of the seniors who worked so hard to make their last season special. It’s unfortunate that they won’t get to finish their season, but hopefully the great memories that we made will help ease their sadness and frustration.”
The group still had several events from Frisco Flag Night to several competitions that had to be cancelled.
“With the season being cancelled, especially as a senior, it’s been a really hard end. I didn’t get the opportunity to know that my last show was in fact, my last show, but our director has taught us how to approach everything like it’s your last time to do it,” senior Lauren Hazzard said. “So my last competition was a good run and I can sleep easy knowing that I did my best and accomplished everything.”
Although everything has been cancelled as of now there is still the option that the virus is dealt with sooner than expected and if that happens then the group may be able to finish the season.
“I think that cancelling the season was smart to protect everyone and stop the spreading of this virus,” senior McKenna Hale said. “The cancellation of the season meant that I performed in my last show and I didn’t even know it. It means my high school career is slowly coming to an end right before my eyes.
As of right now though the color guard auditions and summer band have still been unaffected.
“It sucks, that’s the only way to describe it. I won’t ever get the adrenaline rush or feeling of a real team like what this winter guard show brought me ever again, but I loved every moment of it and I’ve been keeping in contact with my team and with Mr. Mills through this quarantine, and I still feel the connection that we all built, just as strong,” Hazzard said. “I’m excited for everyone next year, even though I can’t participate, I know that they will see how precious time is and they’ll kick butt next year!”
Because of the sudden cancellation seniors will only get the chance to partway finish their season.
“As of right now things remain undetermined. Our goal, like FISD, is to maintain the health and safety of our students,” Mills said. “Once we have more information about a potential return to school, we will be able to make some of those decisions.”
The cancellation also means that the group will not be able to participate in NTCA and WGI and area.
“It sucks, that’s the only way to describe it. I won’t ever get the adrenaline rush or feeling of a real team like what this winter guard show brought me ever again, but I loved every moment of it and I’ve been keeping in contact with my team and with Mr Mills through this quarantine, and I still feel the connection that we all built, just as strong,” Hazzard said. “I’m excited for everyone next year, even though I can’t participate, I know that they will see how precious time is and they’ll kick butt next year!”
Because of the virus seniors will not have the chance to experience their last show and have a proper send off from high school winter guard.
“The cancellation of the season means that we all need to approach everything with our 100 percent best, all the time, every time. Even with marching season, I thought for sure we would get to finals at area, but we didn’t,” Hazzard said. “However, I’ve learned over the years to always put my work ethic at it’s best because who knows. I could get injured and sit out for the rest of the season, or a virus could break out right before championships and end my last season.”