"Chemistry!" by mattfred is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Chemistry students had the chance to improve their grade with an optional project where they had to record themselves talking about gas laws.
Students in chemistry were recently assigned an optional project where they had to record themselves talking about gas laws for two minutes.
“This gas law project was basically a chance for students to better their grade if they wanted to,” sophomore Emily Santoso said. “It was a completely optional project, and if you did do it, you could substitute your lowest grade with the grade you got for this project. I think it’s a great opportunity for those wanting to bring their grade up, since it’s almost the end of the year.”
Even though the project was optional, sophomore Saba Mahmood did it in the attempt to improve her grade.
“I did this project, even though it was optional, to bring my grade up,” Mahmood said. “Gas laws are pretty easy in my opinion, so this went by super fast. All I had to do was make a two minute video explaining the laws, which was probably the easiest thing I’ve done in chemistry this semester.”
Sophomore Christine Verzo thought the project would’ve been hard, but was proved wrong when she actually did it because all she had to explain what the gas laws were with real world examples.
“I had to research about the three different gas laws for this project.” Verzo said. “At first, I thought I couldn’t learn this, but I was wrong. It’s actually really easy to learn. All we had to do was put definitions of the three different gas laws into our own words. We also have to find real world examples which I found to be more helpful rather than a lot of work.”