Final window to change learning environment opens Monday

Aditi Darodkar, WTV Staff Reporter

The last nine weeks doesn’t start until March 22, but the last window to change a student’s learning environment opens on Monday, and closes on Friday, Feb. 12.

Principal Ashley Rainwater predicts that similar patterns of students switching learning settings will be seen.

“So far this year we have seen an increase of freshman returning to us each time, freshman and sophomores, or sophomores and juniors is been consistent, about the same number choosing to get virtual is the same number coming back face to face,” Rainwater said. “A little bit more of our seniors have been choosing each time to go virtual. So I’m expecting that trend to continue for the fourth marking period. It’s also very possible that lot of kids since there’s only have nine weeks left may choose to stay with the current schedule they have and the classes they have to finish out the year.”

For freshman Amina Ndiaye, this learning window is her chance to switch from virtual to in person.

However, Ndiaye worries about COVID-19 dangers and the effectiveness of safety guidelines placed.

“I hope to see kids actually taking the virus seriously,” Ndiaye said. “Not like always having their masks down or always, you know, like just hanging out in huge groups without having any sort of social distancing or having their masks on because in that sense, there would be no point of, you know, people going back to in school.”