Teacher’s sketch becomes school logo
When the school opened in 2006 it was in need of a school logo. Taking on the task: art teacher Jeb Matulich who looked to his alma mater for inspiration.
“Joe McBride, the original head coach, was a Texas Tech alumni just like I am so we took the idea of incorporating an L in the same look as the double T,” Matulich said, “So we drew that up and worked it together.”
Going through a few small tweaks, Matulich’s logo quickly stood out.
“We’ve had several different logos that we looked at, a lot of them used our mascot and those often seemed dated and they didn’t seem appropriate for all of the activities that we had going on at Liberty,” Principal Ashley Rainwater said, “So I do think that out current logo represents our school very well.”
Fellow art teacher Fred Rodriguez agrees with Rainwater in that the logo is well rounded in representing Liberty.
“It’s definitely a lasting logo,” Rodriguez said, “I think it’s going to stand with the length of the school. It’s not necessarily goofy or super simple, it’s good for both academics, sports, and other subjects that go on at this school.”
Matulich’s presence at the school will remain even after he’s no longer teaching at the school, all thanks to his work on the school logo.
“I think it’s pretty cool,” he said. “I don’t think about it as much as I used to but it is pretty neat to see it either on TV, the helmets, or the footballs.”

Aarya Oswal is a senior entering her fourth year at Wingspan. She loves spending her free time watching movies, painting, and sleeping in her free time...