Michael Martin
Family science night is an opportunity for different science classes to show what they have been working on. This year, the science teachers have put together a "crime scene" theme.
The science department is hosting its annual Family Science Night event on Wednesday at 6 p.m.
“It’s a way for the younger students in elementary and middle school to have a way to come to the high school,” science teacher Kenric Davies said. “We encourage them to come to experience science, and to take away any fear they might have about coming to high school.”
Many students on campus have signed up to participate to volunteer or host a booth.
“I am setting up a stand at family science night with my friends in which we will guide the kids who show up to create ice cream from scratch,” junior Ishayu Gupta said. “I believe that this will help the kids understand the process of making food, and how science plays a factor in it.”
Every year, the night has a loose theme that kids can look forward to.
“The overall theme we’re going with this year is crime scene science,” Davies said. “So we have students working on different groups that are working on fingerprint activities, or DNA activities in biology, or even motion detection activities.”
Being able to talk to future students about the school’s science program is something Gupta is looking forward to.
“I hope to reach out to the young members of the community to help them further their knowledge of science and relate it to real life, which we are doing by making ice cream,” Gupta said.