GPA opt-out window for fine arts and athletics open


Michael Martin

Fine Arts all came together to put on Winter Extravaganza Thursday and Friday. The show features band, color guard, orchestra, Red Rhythm, and theatre.

Maya Silberman, Managing Editor

The GPA opt-out window for students in fine arts and athletics program opened on Sept. 1 and will stay open until Oct. 1.

The opt-out window allows juniors and seniors to exclude one Fine Arts or Athletics credit from class rank calculation each school year. Students must be in the course for 2 years prior to the opt-out request. 

“[Opting out] allows high achieving students who are committed to a fine arts or athletic program to continue without penalizing their GPA,” S-Z counselor Lanae Rainey said. “Because of that, it is generally not recommended unless your GPA is 5.0 or higher.”

Many students, including orchestra member junior Sophie Yang, feel that the option to drop credits from their GPAs encourages more students to take fine arts and athletics courses.

Eligible credits include Theater/Tech Theater, Dance/Drill Team, Athletic Trainer, Band, Color Guard, Athletics/Manager, Choir, and Orchestra.

“For students who care a lot about their ranking, seeing that fine arts and athletics courses are on-level may prevent them from taking the course even if they are interested in the activity,” Yang said. “Especially at Liberty, which is such a competitive school with many students taking rigorous courses to make their GPA higher, it’s beneficial.”