Perfectly Productive: time management

Pranavi Poojeri, Guest Contributor

Time management skills are something everyone needs, especially students. High school can be difficult, and teachers often have high expectations from their students. However, a simple plan and techniques can help you manage your time effectively.

1- Set a reminder for your tasks

As soon as you are assigned work, it’s important to set reminders for yourself to ensure you complete it on time. It can be as simple as sitting at your desk or writing your name on the paper. These tiny steps will help you perform at your best in the long run. 

2- Make use of daily planners

Students often receive multiple assignments a day. Keeping track of these tasks can be a hassle, but writing your tasks down for each day can keep you focused on your goals. You don’t have to buy a planner, though- a whiteboard or piece of paper is just as good. 

3- Stick to a routine

Sticking to a routine may not be for everyone, but it can help establish good habits and is beneficial. It will take time to adjust, but soon you’ll get accustomed to it. However, don’t get discouraged if things don’t go your way. Some things are just out of our control, and that’s okay. Routines change a lot! When planning, make sure your plans are flexible. 

4- Do the hardest task first 

Completing simple tasks first can seem tempting, and it can work for some people. However, doing the most difficult tasks first will help you finish homework more quickly. As you progress through your work, they will get easier and motivate you as you study. 

5- Give yourself time to relax

Having a busy life as a student can be overwhelming if you’re spending all of your time on school and extracurriculars. No matter what, it’s necessary to devote time to yourself. Letting yourself relax is good for your mental health and prepares you for doing hard work later on. 

Time management is hard to learn but an important skill to master. Even if these tips don’t work for you, there are always other techniques. Remember to keep an open mind and be patient with yourself.