Social Menace

Christine Han, Staff Reporter

Social media has taken off since the turn of the century. With Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and, more recently, TikTok, more and more people are joining online communities. However, with the increased popularity of these platforms, adverse content has risen as well. 

While most platforms enforce age limits to be on them, it does not stop children and teens from accessing them. A Pew Research survey found that 97% of teenagers were on social media, and as social media become increasingly popular so has the addiction to screens. Many teens are prone to opening their phones and scrolling through Instagram for hours upon hours. This time used on social media also eats away at sleeping time. This affects the circadian rhythm influencing the ability to perform outside of home such as at school or work. 

The toxicity on social media cannot be overlooked either. With the emergence of “woke” culture, cancel culture came with it. While being in a more socially aware climate has its benefits, there are “chronically online” people who make issues out of the smallest situations. For example, a person could be talking about their eating habits, and someone in the comments could claim that they are being insensitive to those with eating disorders. The internet likes to shame, mostly women, off the internet for the most unserious and unimportant topics, such as makeup looks. In addition, to push unsubstantiated opinions, social media has become breeding grounds for creation and spread of false information, specifically teens. 

Speaking of looks, social media is a driving point for insecurities and unhealthy body-image. You click onto Instagram and see dozens of models with the ‘perfect body and face’, and then suddenly you feel insecure. These models’ jobs are to set the beauty standards, and many of them achieve this through plastic surgery or photoshopping. So by pushing this unrealistic standard through lies, teens are susceptible to unhealthy perceptions about their own looks. 

Many fail to recognize the dark corners of social media. With these platforms connecting so many people together, predators and stalkers are given easy access to contact teenagers and strangers on the internet. Online profiles are stalked everyday, by shady people looking for more than just to be internet friends. As the internet has so many features for contact such as direct messaging, there is a direct line of communication. 

While social media can be an amazing platform to expand one’s connections and communicate with long-distance friends, its unhealthy factors should make one wonder whether or not its benefits outweigh its costs.