Opinion: Arts vs. athletics

Emma Crampton shares why school sports aren’t the be-all and end-all of school activities

Staff columnist Emma Crampton shares her opinion on why the school should emphasize the arts more.

Amber Holt

Staff columnist Emma Crampton shares her opinion on why the school should emphasize the arts more.

Emma Crampton, Staff Reporter

Sports are primarily a big deal; especially in Texas. I am, in fact, a sports fan myself along with almost everybody else. However, as fun as it is to show spirit for the many sporting events in high school, I believe that we should show just as much support to the fine arts activities at school. Organizations such as band, orchestra and choir should arouse more school spirit and get students pumped up as well.

Although sports are a much easier thing to get “hyped” about, fine arts should be respected and supported just as much as sports are. When there is an upcoming football or basketball game, it is advertised everywhere; signs are even hung on the staircase. On the other hand, anytime there is a fine arts concert or event, very few people even know about it.

These extracurricular activities are sometimes labeled as “lame” or “uncool,” but there are a lot of students who take a lot of pride in these clubs. Even if music is not your interest, you can still support the organizations and you might even enjoy it. You never know unless you try. There are plenty of people who are not athletic or take any interest in sports, but they still enjoy watching and taking part in sporting events.

The bottom line is, everybody takes part in different interests and activities in and outside of school. High school sports play a huge part in the spirit of the school and ultimately a stronger school morale. I support that 100 percent (for I take part in it as well), but I believe that all activities and events should be known and advertised as much as sports are.