Flute wasn't Sara Jeong's  choice of instrument as her mom is the one that picked it, but after years of playing the flute, Jeong is considering a possible career with it.

Megan Lin

Flute wasn’t Sara Jeong’s choice of instrument as her mom is the one that picked it, but after years of playing the flute, Jeong is considering a possible career with it.

Sara Jeong

Name: Sara Jeong

Grade: 11th

Instrument: Flute

Future college: Maybe Northwestern, if I can get in that is.

Future Job: I’m not sure, maybe major in flute or business.

Years playing: 5 years

Inspiration: Getting into college I guess.

Favorite musician: I don’t really have a favorite artist.


Wingspan: What made you chose the flute?

Jeong: “I didn’t really choose it, my mom did.”

Wingspan: When did you learn of your interest in music?

Jeong: “My mom was a piano major and so I learned piano and then moved onto the flute.”

Wingspan: How do you prepare for a concert?

Jeong: “I do warm ups first and go over the ones that I don’t feel prepared for. Then I just play through some of the difficult ones.”

Wingspan: How do you handle your mistakes during a performance?

Jeong: “I just act like nothing happened and just move on.”

Wingspan: How does band affect your everyday life?

Jeong: “Band is life; especially marching season.”

Wingspan: Are you considering this as a career? Why or why not?

Jeong: “I am considering playing flute as a career because I really enjoy playing it.”

Wingspan: What’s been your favorite memory in band?

Jeong: “ don’t really have a favorite memory in band but everyone there in general, like my friends, are what I like most about it.”

Wingspan: If you had to pick another instrument to play, what would it be?

Jeong: “I would play the viola.”

Wingspan: How do you balance band and your other extracurriculars?

Jeong: “You don’t, band is life.”

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