Prachurjya Shreya

Playing the violin for six years, junior Tay Nguyen started playing the instrument in 6th grade.

Tay Nguyen

Grade: 11th

Instrument: Violin

Future college: UT Austin

Future Job: Something with engineering

Years Playing: 6 years

Inspiration: Megan Lin

Wingspan: What made you choose the violin?

Nguyen: “The violin sounded cool.”

Wingspan: When did you learn of your interest in music?

Nguyen: “Since I was a little kid, i’ve always liked the sound of music.”

Wingspan: When did you discover your talent? How has that changed you?

Nguyen: “I discovered my talent in 6th grade when i actually started practicing. it made me realize my love for music.”

Wingspan: How do you prepare for a concert?

Nguyen: “I practice the day before.”

Wingspan: How do you handle mistakes during a performance?

Nguyen: “You just cover it up and pretend nothing happen.”

Wingspan: Are you considering this as a career?

Nguyen: “No.”

Wingspan: What’s been your favorite memory in orchestra?

Nguyen: “Going to Chicago freshman year for the Midwest Clinic.”

Wingspan: If you had to pick another instrument to play, what would it be? Why?

Nguyen: “Cello. Cellos has a rich tone.”

Wingspan: How do you balance orchestra and your extracurriculars?

Nguyen: “It’s very difficult but i manage to practice on weekends.”

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