Emma Krilowicz
Grade: 11th
Future college: Texas A&M
Future job: animator/illustrator
Years Drawing: since childhood
Inspiration: Disney
Wingspan: What made you choose art?
Krilowicz: “As a young kid I would sketch things out in my free time. I was really inspired by Disney because I loved all the Disney movies and princesses and I’d always sketch them out. And I developed a love for art and then I decided to take it in high school because I really wanted to strengthen my skills and develop more.”
Wingspan: How does art affect your everyday life?
Krilowicz: “Art will usually help me calm down after a really stressful day at school and it’s something I really enjoy doing and have a passion for.”
Wingspan: What is an artistic outlook on life?
Krilowicz: ” I’d say it’s about being not afraid to make mistakes or being able to adapt. For example, when you’re drawing and it doesn’t turn out like you want it to you kind of have to make it your own and adjust it and learn to love it.”
Wingspan: Can you describe an experience where art has benefited you?
Krilowicz: “In general, I’ll have a lot of homework every single day and art homework is the only homework I’m actually looking forward to because it helps me release stress.”
Wingspan: Do you view art as a form of expressing yourself?
Krilowicz: “Absolutely. It allows you to express yourself in a different way like non verbally.”
Wingspan: Are you considering this as a career? Why or why not?
Krilowicz: “Yes because it’s something I really enjoy doing.”
Wingspan: How is your personality reflected in your work?
Krilowicz: “Personally, I pay attention to detail and that’s reflected in my drawings.”
Wingspan: Is this a stress reliever?
Krilowicz: “Yes. For sure.”
Wingspan: When you are not painting or drawing what are you doing?
Krilowicz: “I’m usually just spending time with my family or family or playing soccer.”