Wingspan’s Keegan Williams takes a selfie with McConaughey after an interview.
My favorite thing
June 1, 2018
Wow. It’s actually over. I honestly never thought this day would come as I sat through my first classes at the school my freshman year, but it’s finally time to move on as I head up to Norman in August to study journalism at the University of Oklahoma’s Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication.
If I take a few steps back and look at my high school years as a whole, I can say with certainty that these weren’t the best years of my life. But if I zoom in a little bit I can see that there were some parts that I really did enjoy.
I’m not going to lie, I was pretty well known throughout the school, as I threw myself into a lot of things that put a name to my face. Whether that be at center court as the emcee of every pep rally, or being on the field with a megaphone trying to extract what little school spirit I could from the fans in the stands, or me once again with a microphone (I’m not sure why they continued to give me tools to make me louder when I’m perfectly capable of being loud on my own) on stage at lunch making announcements for StuCo, or last but not least, being known as “that girl from Wingspan” which was by far my favorite way to be recognized.
Sure I was involved in a lot, but Wingspan was my favorite. I’ve loved every second of it since my first day of sophomore year, it was 4A and I stepped into C102 for the first time. I remember everything about that first class, as it marked the beginning of what may be the rest of my life, and the day I met one of the greatest people on this planet, our adviser, Brian Higgins.
The culture that is Wingspan is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced within a school, and honestly, I can’t give anyone else credit except for Mr. Higgins. When I walked through the doors that first day, it was his first day too, and he set a precedent that would essentially change my life.
Wingspan is more than just journalism- I mean sure that’s 95 percent of it- but it’s community, it’s family, it’s diversity, it’s acceptance and so much more. I have learned how to be a better person, how to be genuine and open and loving because that’s what you get when you walk into that room. The staff is always smiling and laughing and helping each other, and on your bad days, they are there to pick you up.
As I sit here writing this, I think back on all of the memories I have with all of the friends I’ve made throughout high school, and the ones that come to mind all revolve around Wingspan. From the long hours spent working on the update or stories, to the trips to San Antonio and San Francisco, and from the countless awards that show our dedication to the publication, to the countless memories that show our dedication to each other, this is the only thing I’ll miss from high school.
Wingspan staff, you showed me what being a real journalist means, and I can’t thank you enough for the opportunities you’ve given me, that allow me to be the best I can be, I will be forever grateful.
As I close this, I leave you with a little secret: I told everyone that I wasn’t coming to school the last week because “I’m a senior and I don’t want to so I don’t have to,” but the reality is, I didn’t come because I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye to my favorite thing, thank you for giving me something to be a part of that is bigger than anything I could ever be alone.