Provided by Ben Afrid

Junior Bed Afrid has been an artist for 11 years.

Ben Afrid

Grade: 11

Future college: University of Texas at Arlington

Future Job: Architect

Years as an artist: 11

Inspiration: Mark Crilley


Wingspan: What kind of art do you do?

Afrid: “I do mostly pen and graphic, I draw a lot of people.”

Wingspan: How has it affected your life?
Afrid: “Art has been a stress reliever for me, it’s something I can escape to. Junior year has a lot of things going on, and it’s great to just throw on a piece of paper and draw on it.”

Wingspan: What’s is your favorite piece you’ve done?

Afrid: “Probably the one I’m working on right now, it’s not in pen but in pastel. It’s pretty good, it’s of my mom. She has been begging me to draw her for awhile so it’s kind of a big deal, and I’ve been working on it for awhile.”

Wingspan: What does art mean to you?

Afrid: “Art is just self expression, it’s different for everybody. Whatever makes you feel a certain type of way you just draw it on a piece of paper.”

Wingspan: What have you learned about yourself through art?

Afrid: “I’ve learned that there’s many different aspects to life and many different ways you can look upon it.”

Wingspan: What is it like to be in an AP art class?  

Afrid: “It’s really fun, I never really knew until now but working in something you’re not comfortable in is actually a lot of fun, and if you succeed in it, it’s even better. It’s such a good feeling, it’s really a cool class.”

Wingspan: Are you considering to pursue it as a career?

Afrid: “I was, but I think it’s going to be a hobby because it’s just not as reliable as another job.”

Wingspan: What’s the biggest challenge of being an artist?

Afrid: “Probably the pressure of other people because a lot of times you can’t really draw what you want exactly since other people will judge it as something that’s not up to their standards. The challenge is working with what you want to do.”

Wingspan: What inspires all your artwork?

Afrid: “What kind of mood I’m feeling, where I’m at, if it’s cold or hot outside, just surroundings.”

Wingspan: What is your advice to anyone who aspires to be an artist?
Afrid: “Just have fun, you don’t have to take it as seriously as other people take it because it’s really just an individual thing. Don’t stress about it, it’s not something you should stress about.

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