Wrestling athlete Precious Essien signed a National Letter of Intent to continue his athletic career at University of Missouri at a Signing Day Ceremony Wednesday in the library.
Precious Essien
May 15, 2019
Wingspan: What school did you choose?
Essien: “University of Missouri.”
Wingspan: Why did you choose this school?
Essien: “They have a very good wrestling program and business program, and that’s what I want to study. They reached out to me and I thought it’d be a great opportunity.”
Wingspan: What aspects appealed to you?
Essien: “They have a really awesome team culture, I can tell the guys really care and look out for each other, and the coaches are really awesome as well.”
Wingspan: What are you expecting from being a college athlete?
Essien: “A lot of hard work, a lot of dedication and time, and a lot of fun.”
Wingspan: How long did it take to make this decision?
Essien: “I’d said a few months; after the team camp I went to over at Missouri, I felt like I decided I wanted to go, but it took a while talking to my parents, coaches, and family, and things like that. After a few months, I knew there was no other place I wanted to go.”
Wingspan: What other options were you contemplating?
Essien: “A lot of schools in Oklahoma and closer in Texas just because my parents didn’t want me to go far.”
Wingspan: How do you plan to prepare?
Essien: “A lot of running, a lot of trying to get in shape, and also just trying to make sure I’m used to buckling down on my school work.”