Senior Jordan Klein took on the role of WTV Daily Update Producer in her third year in Wingspan.
Jordan Klein
May 30, 2019
Even though I believe “bittersweet” is an overused phrase when it comes to describing the feeling of graduation, it just so happens to be the most accurate. For the most part of my high school experience I’ve wanted nothing more than to graduate and start a new life. Although I’m beyond excited to fulfill that wish as I move to Stillwater this fall to study marketing at Oklahoma State University, I’m also overcome by an immense wave of sentimentalism.
First things first, I won’t lie and say that high school was the best years of my life. In fact, at some points it can be considered the worst. During these past 4 years, I have experienced some of the greatest losses and trials of my life. However, from it all, the good and the bad, I can confidently say I have gained more knowledge on the world and myself than ever before. A few major lessons learned include: peace of mind is the most important gift one can receive, your worth isn’t determined by anyone other than yourself, deep conversations are the best kind of conversations, and coffee shops + music make for great therapy. I am forever grateful for all the lessons, as well as all that i’ve been able to be involved with.
Throughout my time at Liberty, I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of numerous classes/organizations and meet many great people from it. From the golf team, to NHS, to my zero hour classes, etc. all have influenced me for the better.
However, Wingspan has by far been the most impactful. Throughout my whole life I’ve had a deep longing to feel accepted, understood, and appreciated by others. While I’ve come close to achieving this, it’s only ever been for a rare brief moment, but not with Wingspan. I have never felt more comfortable to be myself around others -even though I’m quite awkward- than I have with my adviser Mr.Higgins and my fellow “wingspanners”… especially in 2B.
Continuing on the note of 2B, I can’t express enough how thankful I am for all the great students I’ve been able to lead as a producer. I have never met more interesting, kind, and hilarious students in my life and wouldn’t trade them for anything. Besides helping me socially, being a part of Wingspan has also allowed me to meet so many other amazing people outside of my classes, and hear so many stories. Everyday I learn something new about filming, editing, writing, and most importantly listening.
To any students, who are not yet seniors, that may be reading this, here are a couple pieces of advice…
- Cherish every moment of your high school experience because it will be over before you know it.
- Try journaling every week, if not every day, as it’s truly amazing to look back on how different things are with each school year.
- Genuinely asking how someone is doing can really make a difference in someone else’s day along with yours as you are able to spark a conversation and learn more about others.
- In a world where social media is in constant use, I have found that the best thing for myself was to step away from it for a while and truly live in the moment.
Wishing all LHS students and staff the best with the years to come!