Senior Melody Tavallaee has been a part of Wingspan since her sophomore year and has contributed to the program by taking on the role of a Managing Editor for the 2018-19 school year.
Melody Tavallaee
May 30, 2019
As graduation approaches closer and closer, I have began to dawn on the fact that I will once again be a freshman as I prepare for the next step of my life in college. Despite all the hustle and bustle that comes with moving on to this new chapter, it is still beyond surreal to me that I am writing my final piece for Wingspan as I type these words.
I joined Wingspan during my sophomore year, looking for an escape from my other classes and not expecting much from the class. However, I ended up gaining so much more. The longer that I stayed in the program, the more I grew to love it. Journalism taught me something I did not know about myself before: I CAN do more than I thought.
Wingspan gave me the confidence to spread my wings and fly into the world with curiosity, seeking information and living my life boldly. While Wingspan hasn’t always been easy, it has always been beneficial.
Through this program, I have had the chance to cover stories from varying topics, from campus news, to problems faced by other countries in the world. I have learned to question everything and everyone and to always dig deeper. I have learned the importance of knowledge and spreading that knowledge with the world. I have learned that there is always more to a story than you think, and the value of speaking up and expressing my voice.
Beyond all of this, the most important thing that I have gained from being a part of Wingspan throughout high school is the close relationships that I have built with my fellow members in the program. The bonds I have built with everyone throughout this journey run deeper than mere friendships; they carry the strength of a family to me. For this reason, it is so hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I am leaving this family of mine behind.
To all my classmates and friends in Wingspan: thank you for making this such an enjoyable experience and giving me memories that I will never forget. To my adviser Mr. Higgins: thank you for equipping me with skills that I will carry on with me for the rest of my life, for instilling in me that you can still have fun and goof off while getting your work done, and most importantly, for believing in me.
While it is hard for me to physically leave Wingspan, I know that a piece of Wingspan will continue to be with me as I will always have the experiences Wingspan has taught me in my back pocket. These past few years will be embedded in me forever, and I am so grateful for that.
Thank you for sharing this time with me and for always providing a loving environment that I had the chance to come to. I will never forget everything Wingspan has given me and I will always have love for everyone and everything I have met and known these past few years, and I look forward to carrying this passion with me in the future.