Taking a break from her typical meal of Chik-fil-a chicken, staff reporter Kanz Bitar tried the chain’s newest addition to their menu, mac and cheese.
Ditching the chicken for the new mac and cheese
A very popular fast food restaurant, especially around this area is Chick-fil-A, and even though I’ve been to it a bunch of times, I haven’t tried many things really. I usually get the same thing over and over again, either a regular Chicken Deluxe or the Chick-Fil-A Nuggets but never have I ever gotten the Mac and Cheese, so for this week’s crusade, I decided to go and get it.
I tried to research it to find out what kind of cheese is used, whether it’s liquid cheese, powdered cheese or real cheese but I couldn’t find anything about it. But after I tasted it, I completely thought it was made with powdered cheese. And I don’t think it was mixed in well cause I could still feel the powder with every bite.
It wasn’t that good, it was fine. I don’t think I’ll be getting it again. There wasn’t anything special about it really.
But this doesn’t change my love for Chick-fil-A so I’m still going to go back.