With in person school having started on Thursday, minimizing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 is crucial. It’s important that students know, and are aware of, how to keep themselves, their peers, and their teachers safe in a learning environment.
How students can help stay safe when returning to school
With in-person school having started on Thursday, minimizing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 is crucial. It’s important that students know, and are aware of, how to keep themselves, their peers, and their teachers safe in a learning environment.
Firstly, wear a mask. It’s as simple as that. They create a form of source control and prevent respiratory droplets from spreading. They also help keep those who are asymptomatic and have no idea they have the virus, from passing it on to classmates and teachers. Wearing a mask is a small inconvenience that can make a big difference in slowing the spread, and ensuring that those who are around you are safe.
Secondly, wash your hands and sanitize whenever possible. In a school environment, there are germs everywhere. People are constantly doing things so stuff can spread extremely easily. Constantly washing your hands, or using hand sanitizer between classes can help keep germs from spreading throughout the school, and overall make it safer.
Lastly, try not to share supplies. Go to class prepared with everything you need because sharing supplies can contribute to the spread of germs and COVID. If you do end up needing to share supplies, make sure it’s stuff that you don’t mind not getting back. Constantly exchanging materials with everything going on is a recipe for disaster.
The district, our school, and our teachers are doing the best they can to help keep us safe and stop the spread. Doing things like this could help tremendously, and aid them in creating a safe learning environment.