In her first year on campus, Amanda Peters teaches AP Human Geography and AP U.S. Government. Peters has been teaching for nine years, but that’s not what she thought she would be doing when she was younger. “When I was younger, I wanted to be an attorney,” Peters said.
Amanda Peters
September 23, 2020
Amanda Peters is an AP Human Geography and AP U.S. Government teacher and although this is her first year on campus, she has been teaching for nine years, eight of which have been in Frisco ISD. Prior to working as a teacher, Peters worked as a litigation paralegal and worked in governmental relations for Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Wingspan sat down with Peters to find out about her experience as a teacher.
Wingspan: Which college did you attend, and what did you major in?
Peters: “Undergraduate – Texas A&M University, Political Science Masters – Ashland University, Political Science.”
Wingspan: What career did you want to pursue growing up?
Peters: “When I was younger, I wanted to be an attorney. I think I liked arguing as a child. I thought that was what attorneys did – I learned later that there is a lot more involved, and there were aspects of the profession that did not appeal to me.”
Wingspan: What made you want to work here?
Peters: “I heard that Liberty had a great social studies department, and I was excited about working closer to my home.”
Wingspan: In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that teachers are facing in online learning?
Peters: “I think the biggest challenge is keeping virtual students engaged and excited about learning. Students are burned out on being at-home and bored with learning. Trying to build excitement and interest is challenging, and I hope that my enthusiasm for the subjects I teach comes through the screen and helps motivate students.”
Wingspan: What would you like to accomplish this year?
Peters: “As in previous years, I want to build lasting relationships with students and help them connect with the world beyond Frisco. I love hearing from former students and following their journey into adulthood.”
Wingspan: How has working here been different from working at other schools?
Peters: “I have been pleasantly surprised at how much Liberty staff and students rally to support each other. In the middle of our rapidly changing situation, I see lots of everyday heroes digging deep to make the best of each day, getting the job done, and support each other with patience and grace.”
Wingspan: What has been your favorite part about teaching and why?
Peters: “I love the ‘ah-hah moments’ – when I see the learning connections being made by students that make my planning and hard work worth it.”
Wingspan: What inspired you to become a teacher?
Peters: “At the Boys & Girls Club, I worked with students across the country who were receiving scholarships. Hearing their acceptance speeches in which many credited the teachers who inspired them to make significant changes in their lives was inspirational. I wanted to be one of those teachers who pushes students to recognize that sometimes the most important lessons in life don’t come from textbooks or lectures, the importance of becoming a life-long learner, being an active and responsible citizen, and building time management skills that will serve them no matter where life takes them.”
Wingspan: If you couldn’t be a teacher, what job occupation would you choose?
Peters: “I would probably raise llamas – they have amazingly unique personalities, much like my students! Or working at Starbucks for the employee discount to keep my coffee addiction going might be a good plan.”
Wingspan: What do you like to do in your free time?
Peters: “READING! My bookshelf is almost entirely non-fiction; I love learning new things. However, I have a short attention span, so I tend to rotate between several books. I get about 20-25 pages into a book and then switch. It takes me longer to get through a book, but I find I make more connections and retain more by re-engaging with a book repeatedly. It is a habit I picked up in graduate school that has stuck.”
Wingspan: To this day, what accomplishment of yours that you are most proud of?
Peters: “My children! I have a freshman in high school and one in college. We have great conversations, and I am proud of the people they are becoming as they grow into their personalities.”