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Many theories are still circulated about the mysterious circumstances of Tupac Shakur’s death. From hiding out in Cuba with his aunt, to a full-scale documentary being made about his life in New Mexico with Navajo natives, seemingly everyone has seen Tupac. 

Tupac, dead or alive

Almost everyone knows that the famous rapper Tupac Shakur was shot and killed in 1996, but many theories are still circulated about the mysterious circumstances of his death. From hiding out in Cuba with his aunt, to a full-scale documentary being made about his life in New Mexico with Navajo natives, seemingly everyone has seen Tupac. 

Now, his death is warrant for questioning. First of all, his killers were never found, and the main celebrity suspect, Christopher Wallace, also known as Notorious B.I.G was shot and killed a year later in a drive-by. There are sources that say Wallace paid the Southside Crips, a Compton gang, almost $1 million and provided weapons to kill Shakur.

Now, Tupac is dead. But theories are fueled for a couple of reasons, namely money, and fame. Even Tupac’s former bodyguard, Suge Knight, faked his own death just to prove it was possible. According to Night, shots were fired, but Tupac’s body double was swapped as Shakur made his escape to Cuba with the help of Fidel Castro. Pretty outlandish.

Other claims, including a major documentary, include Tupac being held out with Navajo natives in New Mexico. The documentary is supposed to be out in the coming years.

Many rumors are in circulation, but not all are serious. Those that are however, are pretty interesting. 

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