Exploring all things mystical is at the heart of this weekly blog by junior Reva Kabnurkar.
Reflections and Ruminations with Reva (no longer updated)
Reva Kabnurkar, Staff Reporter
In this weekly blog, sophomore Reva Kabnurkar explores all things mystical that can help guide people as they set out on their existential journey.

Himalayan Salt Lamps
Himalayan Salt Lamps are very beneficial to one’s mind and body. They remove dust and pollen from the air, which greatly reduces asthma symptoms. The negative ions that are generated by Himalayan salt lamps increase energy levels just as spending time in nature does. The negative ions that are released by Himalayan Salt Lamps also can improve sleep patterns by canceling out the positively-charged par...

Tree Hugging
When you hear "tree hugger," you probably think of a long-bearded, old hippie who hasn't showered in weeks. And although there is a severe negative connotation surrounding the practice, hugging trees can, believe it or not, be good for you. The symbiotic relationship humans have with trees plays a part in the health benefits associated with tree-hugging. In the novel, Blinded by Science by Ma...

Inner Peace
In today's world, there is a lot of talk about inner peace and how to achieve it. But before attempting to achieve inner peace, you must have a certain amount of mental strength. Being mentally strong isn't about being wise or courageous. It is about having the mindset that you can take on anything that life throws at you. There are many misconceptions regarding inner peace and how people who have ...

Letting Go
Have you ever had a memory, thought, or something that stressed you out? It may seem like there is no way to eliminate that constant stress. However, there are many spiritual ways to assist you. These are simple home remedies that will help you quickly relieve the extra pressure your life has placed on you. For this exercise, you will need a marker and a helium balloon. Write what is stressing you ou...

Maybe you’ve heard your friend say they are listening to subliminals to lose weight or improve their mood. But how does playing a Youtube video with music help someone make changes to their mood and lifestyle? Subliminals are audio messages with positive affirmations set to rhythmic music. Subliminals work by stimulating the brain to positively affect thoughts and behavior. The affirmations in the audio recording are hidden ...

There are seven chakras which are the main energy centers of the human body. There are the crown chakra, the third eye chakra, the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the solar plexus, the sacral chakra, and the root chakra. There is a specific way to unblock each chakra which allows for energy to flow freely through your mind, body, and spirit. Your crown chakra is located on the top of your head...

Everyone knows what dreams are, and that they are normal. But why do we dream, and what do they mean? Dreams are memories, thoughts, and or feelings that occur when we sleep. They are basically your mind processing what happened throughout the day. Dreams occur to analyze recent events that we experienced and a way for our brain to clear out unneeded information. A lot of times, dreams are just a...

Dream Catchers
Dream catchers, first created by Native Americans specifically the Ojibwe tribe, are protective talismans used to protect people from bad dreams. A dream catcher consists of feathers and beads tied to a small wooden ring. Native Americans believe that the air was filled with both good and bad dreams, and dzream catchers were said to filter out the bad dreams and allow the good dreams to slide down th...

Essential Oils
Essential oils are essentially, compounds extracted from plants to capture that plant or flowers scent and “essence.” These oils are used in aromatherapy and can help the body in many different ways depending on which type is used. There are over 90 kinds of essential oils. Peppermint oil is one of the popular ones, and it can increase energy and aid digestion. Lavender oil can relieve stress. Sandalwood can rela...

Shifting Methods
I have already talked about reality shifting previously, but in this entry I will be going in depth in shifting methods. A simple definition of shifting is basically shifting your consciousness to a different reality. It’s based on the theory of the multiverse. Every decision or action, anyone or anything makes, automatically creates a new reality. And shifting makes it so you can experience any rea...

Turning to Your Inner Mind
Have you ever had to make a difficult decision and didn’t know who to go to for advice? What if I told you that you can ask the unbiased opinion of your inner mind. Your inner mind is said to be ten times stronger than your conscious mind. It is the main driving force in our life. There is an easy way to communicate with your inner mind which was passed down through word of mouth in Hindu culture. ...

Crystal Meditation
Crystals are used for many purposes, however, I find that combining them with a simple meditation is the best way to get the most out of your crystals. I usually do this practice before going to bed. To begin, you will need to find a crystal that resonates with you. This is a crystal that draws your attention and is “calling” to you in a sense. Before you start, you will need to cleanse your ...

Numerology, the study of drawing meaning from specific numbers. You can use a further knowledge of numbers and their meanings to improve your daily life. One of the easiest ways to start using numerology in your life is by finding your Life Path number, which will help you find your focus in life. In order to find your Life Path number, add the month and day of your birth date. For example, if yo...

Signs Sent by Spirit Guides
Have you ever seen anything strange as you are going about your day, such as an owl in broad daylight? Or a road sign that you had never seen before right before something bad happened? These are omens, phenomenon that are said to foretell the future, sent by your spirit guides, to give you a heads up about something. A sign your spirit guides are trying to tell you something is regularly seeing angel numbers, spe...

Gratitude Journals
A gratitude journal, aptly titled, is a journal where you write things you are grateful for. This can help you become a more happy, grateful person, which will help you raise your vibrational frequency, making you a more spiritual person. Crystals and a gratitude journal are the spiritual bread and butter. You can buy a journal specifically used for recording what you are grateful for, or simply use a...

Void State
The void state is a deep meditative state, where you allow thoughts to pass through your mind without judging them. This is a state where your mind is awake but your body is asleep. This state is very beneficial to the spiritual growth of a person as you can reflect on yourself, take some time for yourself, and even shift to new realities. In order to get into the void state, take a couple deep breaths,...

Spiritual Pendulums
Pendulums are often used to ask questions to the universe and as tools for spiritual healing. Spiritual pendulums usually consist of a pointed crystal hanging from a metal or cloth string. Just like any crystal, a pendulum needs to cleansed of negative energy. This can be done by running the crystal under cold water with the intention of clearing its vibrational energy. Leaving the crystal fully ...

Letter to the Universe
A good way to ask the universe, or your spirit guides for advice or confirmation about something in your life, is to write a letter to the universe. It is very simple, all you need is paper, a writing utensil, and a lighter. In the body of the letter, ask for a sign that you will see in your daily life. For example, if you are conflicted about whether or not to drop a hard class, write “show me...

The Importance of Cleansing
When I say cleansing, I am not talking about your house or teeth. I am referring to a spiritual cleanse, to clean energy. Energy tends to build up on things, both good and bad and needs to be cleared. Spiritual cleansing is really important to self-care as well as the care of your belongings. And after doing it, you will feel refreshed and amazing. It is important to remember that your items, s...

Candles, in a spiritual sense, have been used for thousands of years to manifest, set intention, and cleanse areas. This is because candles are one of the easiest and most powerful methods. Different candles are used for different purposes and spells. The color of a candle is actually very important because the brain associates different colors with different subconscious responses. This response ...

Moldavite is a dark greenish, very powerful crystal. It removes obstacles between the wearer and the path that the wearer was meant to be on. Essentially any door that has a “what if?” behind it becomes closed or immediately opened. When this happens so quickly, it feels awful at the time, but a year or so later, you will be in a much better place. For example, if you were thinking about qui...

If you need a spiritual place to do spells and manifestations, or just a space to meditate, an altar is a great space to look into. An altar is a sacred space where you can place all your mystical items, such as crystals and tarot cards, for display. An altar is a space that is meaningful, healing, and specific to you. Your altar can be a simple lit candle on your kitchen table or it can be as big an...

The Evil Eye
You have probably seen this symbol before, as a necklace pendant, or maybe even someone’s profile picture on Instagram. But what does it mean? The Evil Eye is an ancient symbol of protection. Wearing it, or carrying it with you guards against misfortune and protects against evil spirits. Receiving the Evil Eye is believed to be a curse cast by a malevolent glare. There are three main types of ...

An aura is a colored human energy field that surrounds a human, animal, or even object. These invisible energy fields are basically the energy someone or something gives off. Many people believe your aura is the luminous body that surrounds your physical one. So how do you see someone’s or your own aura? It takes practice, but how I usually do it, is I stare at the person’s nose whose aura I wa...

Shadow Work
Shadow work is basically getting in touch with the parts of yourself that you've repressed and the darker sides of your feelings. Basically addressing the low vibrational energies of who you are and learning to forgive the dark parts of yourself. There are many ways to do shadow work but the basic outline is looking at three things; patterns, triggers, and projections. Patterns meaning what you ...

Zodiac Signs
People often ask which sign is the best sign, or the worst one. Something important to remember in astrology is that every individual sign is an essential part of the “zodiac circle” and no one sign is better than another. The twelve signs of the zodiac, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, each occupy 30° of the zodiac circle...

Full Moon Manifestation
The Full Moon is a significant period among spiritual communities. During this time, it is believed that the energies of the universe are more powerful allowing for a window of opportunity for various entities. It’s a good time to focus on your spiritual development and manifest. The Moon in general symbolizes the mind and mental state because of its closeness to Earth. One of the best ways to ...

Self hypnosis
Self hypnosis can be used to improve yourself, whether that be better self-confidence, memory, or really anything. Self hypnosis is basically a cheat code for life. It’s hypnotizing yourself to believe whatever you want to believe using the power of positive thinking. This works so well because this technique is harnessing the power of your inner mind, which is 10 times stronger than your consci...

When people think about spirituality and witchcraft, they usually think of spells. Believe it or not, spells actually work. Because spells, in this day and age, are just advanced ways to manifest. Putting that much intent and power into something will help you get what you want. Spells have two clear phases, the first one being gathering power and concentrating intent. You can do this by gather...

The healthy habit of yoga
Yoga, originating in India, is a form of meditation which involves moving your body into various positions to build strength and focus in the mind as well as the body. There are many different poses and styles of this ancient practice. A popular yoga pose is the downward dog. It consists of leaning forward and putting your hands on the floor in front of you so your body is in a sort of mounta...

Palmistry, or palm reading is the practice of looking at the physical characteristics of one’s hand to analyze their character and predict their future. In order to learn the art of palm reading, start with the basics, and work your way to the more complicated, smaller lines. The most broad concept is the hand shapes that correspond with the four elements. Earth hands are identified by squa...

Tarot cards
Many believe that tarot cards will predict the future. This however, is slightly incorrect, tarot cards can only predict a possible future. Tarot cards readers use the cards to look into a person’s past, present, or future. The person who wants their tarot read, asks a question and then cards are drawn and interpreted to answer it. There are 78 tarots cards in a set and each card is different. 22 of th...

Angel numbers
Have you ever seen a repetitive sequence of numbers, for example, 111 or 222, in your everyday life? You may have seen a bus go by with the bus number 1111, or a TikTok on your For You Page with exactly 444 comments. If so, your spirit guides may have been trying to tell you something. Depending on the angel number you see, the message your spirit guides are trying to tell you is different. Angel...

Witchcraft has been thought of as taboo in many cultures for a long time. However, in recent years, it’s gaining popularity. Witchcraft, in simple terms, is the casting of spells and performing magical rituals. I believe that performing spells and rituals will just intensify your manifestations. Every ingredient you use, you’re putting more and more intent into your manifestation. For example, in...

Crystals have become a popular trend recently. Many people think they are just pretty, shiny rocks, but in reality, crystals are a type of medicine brought from Hindu culture. They help increase vibrations and promote the flow of good energy. Every crystal has a different energetic frequency and can help with different things. For example, clear quartz is a great amplifying stone, amethyst is used as a healing crystal, and green aventurine is brings luck and success. However,...

Lucid dreaming
Many movies in 2020 have popularized the concept of lucid dreaming. However, what is it? Lucid dreaming is being aware that you are dreaming and then being able to control your dream. This feeling is one of the most strange sensations I have ever felt, and inducing it is pretty simple. There are many ways to induce lucid dreams, some healthier than others. A simple exercise to realize that you are in ...

Manifestation 101
Manifestation is bringing something such as money or love into your life through positive thinking and belief. Simply stated, manifesting is thinking about something so much that it quite literally 8projects into your life. Using manifestation, you can get anything you want in life. One of my favorite manifestation methods is the 333 method. Basically, all you have to do for this method is write...

Reality shifting
Shifting is moving your consciousness to a different reality. It’s based on the theory of the multiverse. Every decision or action, anyone or anything makes, automatically creates a new reality. Since your consciousness exists in every reality, shifting is just becoming aware of the reality you want to go to. You can shift anywhere, from a reality in which you are the President to a reality wher...

The 555 practice
The 555 morning mindfulness practice not only improves productivity throughout the day, but also puts the mind in a spiritual state. This practice consists of spending five minutes meditating, five minutes stretching, and finally, five minutes mentally preparing for the day. Many people have seen significant changes in their day to day life, simply by practicing this for a week. Often, meditatio...

Introducing reflections and ruminations
When I was bored from doing absolutely nothing during quarantine, I turned to spirituality. When I say this, you might think of religion, but it’s actually quite different. Over the course of 8 months, I learned how to shift realities, manifest, perform spells, predict the future with tarot cards, and even move crystals with only my mind. Creating a blog about all things mystical can help guide people ...
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