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In this week’s column, Reva explores the world of reality shifting.

Reality shifting

Shifting is moving your consciousness to a different reality. It’s based on the theory of the multiverse. Every decision or action, anyone or anything makes, automatically creates a new reality. Since your consciousness exists in every reality, shifting is just becoming aware of the reality you want to go to. You can shift anywhere, from a reality in which you are the President to a reality where magic is real and you’re a student at Hogwarts from Harry Potter. And the best part is when you shift, it feels completely real, you can taste, touch, see, and hear. I know it sounds too good to be true but I promise it’s real because I have done it. I have shifted for days at a time while a piece of my consciousness was still here, taking my place in this reality, otherwise known as a “clone.” 

Some common abbreviations in the shifting community are; CR, which is current reality, or the reality you are currently in. And DR, which is the desired reality or the reality you want to go to. For example, the reality you are currently in, where you are reading this article, is your current reality (CR.) And the reality where you would like to go, for example, Hogwarts or MCU is your desired reality (DR.)

So now the question is, how do you do it? There are a number of different ways but basically, you have to make your mind tired, you can do this by counting or saying shifting affirmations. The next step is thinking of where you want to go. You can do this by visualizing or pretending you are already in your DR. Finally, your surroundings will change and you will wake up there.

If you’re interested in learning more about shifting, follow my TikTok @shiftingwithreva, I post at least once a day, with all my content revolving around this topic!


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