Kinga Cichewicz (Free to use under the Unsplash License)

Lucid dreaming

Many movies in 2020 have popularized the concept of lucid dreaming. However, what is it? Lucid dreaming is being aware that you are dreaming and then being able to control your dream. This feeling is one of the most strange sensations I have ever felt, and inducing it is pretty simple.

There are many ways to induce lucid dreams, some healthier than others. A simple exercise to realize that you are in a lucid dream is reality checking. About once every half an hour, look at your hands and count your fingers throughout the day. If you have five fingers, and your hand looks normal, you are not in a dream. If something is wrong with your hand (once I had tiny dinosaurs on top of my fingers), you are in a dream. Reality checking will eventually become a habit, and you will automatically start looking at your hand in your dreams.

Another technique is the wake back to bed method. This technique consists of setting an alarm five hours after going to bed. Once you wake up, stay awake for about 30 minutes before returning to sleep. You will be more likely to lucid dream this way. However, try not to do this every night because it is not the healthiest.

A healthier option is a lucid dream method that I created. The first step is writing down “I will lucid dream tonight” at least 50 times on a piece of paper right before you go to bed. Make sure you repeat it in your head as you write it down. This next part is optional, but putting an amethyst under your pillow will help relax your mind. Once you do this, fall asleep. The mantra, “I will lucid dream tonight,” will not only manifest your lucid dreaming, but it will also get that mantra stuck in your head, and you will find yourself repeating it in your dream. Once you fall asleep, you will realize that you are dreaming almost immediately! This method has worked for me every time.

Once you realize that you’re dreaming, the hard part is over. The next step is simply controlling everything. It’s important to remember that this is YOUR dream, so all you have to do to control it is wish for something. I usually say what I want to happen out loud. So if I want a dog to walk up to me in my dream, I just need to have a clear picture of the dog in my head. Then I say out loud, “I want a fluffy white dog to walk up to me.” Then it happens.

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