Gabrielle Henderson (Free to use under the Unsplash License)

Gratitude Journals

A gratitude journal, aptly titled, is a journal where you write things you are grateful for. This can help you become a more happy, grateful person, which will help you raise your vibrational frequency, making you a more spiritual person. Crystals and a gratitude journal are the spiritual bread and butter.

You can buy a journal specifically used for recording what you are grateful for, or simply use a regular notebook. Every morning, start by writing down three things that you are grateful for. These can be as broad or specific as you would like, from your sister, to the butterfly that you saw on your way to school.

When you are feeling down, you can read what you have written. As you are basically creating a happy time capsule of optimistic contemplations. A good exercise to do in your gratitude journal is setting a five-minute timer and writing down any random acts of kindness you’ve experienced. You might end up writing down things that had happened to you years ago. But this will help you have a renewed sense of faith in yourself and others.

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