David Matos (Free to use under the Unsplash License)

Turning to Your Inner Mind

Have you ever had to make a difficult decision and didn’t know who to go to for advice? What if I told you that you can ask the unbiased opinion of your inner mind. Your inner mind is said to be ten times stronger than your conscious mind. It is the main driving force in our life. There is an easy way to communicate with your inner mind which was passed down through word of mouth in Hindu culture. I’ve been passed down this piece of wisdom from my grandfather.

The first step to turning to your subconscious mind for advice is meditation, this step is optional. This is very helpful in connecting your conscious and subconscious mind, in other words, bringing them together. After meditation, you are ready to begin the exercise. Stand up on a flat surface. This is very important, as any ground elevation could mess up the results. It is helpful to be barefoot, to stay grounded to the earth. 

Next, close your eyes and think “yes” in your head, you may even want to say it out loud. Then keep your body straight and lean forward a little until you fall forward. This is to help your inner mind associate “yes” with falling forward. Then repeat the process with thinking about “no” and falling backward. Now your subconscious mind realizes that falling forward = “yes” and falling backward = “no.” Do this a couple times until you feel ready to ask your question. Ask a yes or no question out loud, for example, “Should I quit my job?” Then close your eyes, stand up tall, and completely relax your body. Do not lean forward or backward, simply let your body hang there. Let your inner mind push you forward or backward depending on the answer to your question. For example, if you fall backwards, your inner mind is trying to tell you that you shouldn’t quit your job.

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