Pawel Czerwinski (Free to use under the Unsplash License)


Maybe you’ve heard your friend say they are listening to subliminals to lose weight or improve their mood. But how does playing a Youtube video with music help someone make changes to their mood and lifestyle? Subliminals are audio messages with positive affirmations set to rhythmic music.

Subliminals work by stimulating the brain to positively affect thoughts and behavior. The affirmations in the audio recording are hidden so you will only hear the music. Your conscious brain will not understand the message behind the tune, but your subconscious will hear the affirmations and follow through with them. After all, your inner mind is ten times stronger than your conscious mind.

It’s important to be wary of certain subliminals. Subs cannot be used to change height, eye color, or hair color. Your subconscious is completely helpless when it comes to these things and cannot change them no matter which instruction is given.

Subliminals used to relieve stress and improve mood are my favorites.

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