Callie Pearson has joined campus as a volleyball coach and health teacher.
Callie Pearson
September 29, 2022
Among this year’s group of teachers new to campus is Callie Pearson. A graduate from Texas A&M, she is an assistant volleyball coach and a health teacher. Recently Wingspan sat down and asked a few questions about her first year on campus.
Wingspan: What motivated you to become a teacher?
Pearson: “I had an awesome world history teacher my sophomore year of high school and he was the guy, like even though he was a teacher, he talked more about life with me than school while family was always about school and not about life so I like having that person there for all the life moments and I wanted to provide that for another student.”
Wingspan: What made you want to come to the school?
Pearson: “I met coach Reedy [girls’ basketball coach Ross Reedy] in a coffee shop and ran into him, talked with him for 45 minutes. He was like we might have an opening, and I was like ok, but I didn’t think anything of it. Then I saw him again at Starbucks later in the week. Ok this is kinda weird. I think I got to look into Liberty. And then again on Sunday I saw him at Whole Foods so I was like Liberty must be the place to be if I keep running into him there must be a reason for it. “
Wingspan: What has been your favorite thing about teaching this year so far?
Pearson: “So far I have just been loving the kids. I think high school is a lot different than middle school and I love how they are involved in so much more and I feel like it is cool to get to know what they are interested in.”
Wingspan: What has been the worst thing about teaching this year?
Pearson: “It’s been a big adjustment so this is my first year teaching health so I’m making resources I’m learning the materials. This is also my first year doing high school athletics so the demand of high school athletics is a little bit different then middle school.”
Wingspan: What is your goal for your students this year?
Pearson: “I would like them to go away from health feeling like they actually learned something because I remember taking health ed in high school and it was like a blur. I don’t remember anything so I am hoping kids actually get something out of my class.”
Wingspan: What do you like to do in your free time?
Pearson: “In my free time I love to eat. I have a very expensive palette so some of my favorite foods are oysters, steak, and seafood. I love to try new restaurants. It’s my favorite thing in the world to do.”