Provided by Sophie Yang

Junior Sophie Yang has been playing the piano for 10 years and the viola for five, and talks about the influence of music in her life.

Sophie Yang

Name: Sophie Yang

Grade: 11th

Years of Experience: piano for 10 years and viola for 5 years

Future job: anesthesiologist


Wingspan: What made you choose your instrument?

Yang: “I chose viola because I love the deeper sound of the instrument compared to violins. It is also pretty portable compared to some other instruments.”

Wingspan: What made you want to join orchestra? 

Yang: “I wanted to join orchestra because I have always really loved the sounds of string instruments. I knew I wanted to play an instrument in middle school, and talking to a lot of older students who were in orchestra convinced me to join.”

Wingspan: Are you considering continuing your instrument beyond high school? Why?

Yang: “I am definitely considering continuing my instruments beyond high school. Especially since music has been such a large part of my life from a young age, I hope to at least join an orchestra in college. I think continuing to play and instrument beyond high school could also be a great form of relaxation and a great way to meet new people.”

Wingspan: How does music impact your life?

Yang: “Music impacts my life because it allows me to express myself and have fun! I love to make music with a group of students in orchestra and playing instruments can help me destress from academics!”

Wingspan: What’s your favorite memory in orchestra?

Yang: “My favorite memory in orchestra was playing at the Winter Extravaganza.”

Wingspan: What life lessons has orchestra/playing instruments taught you?

Yang: “Playing instruments has taught me the importance of perseverance. When I look at a piece for the first time, it often looks extremely hard, but after lots of practice, the final performance always pays off and feels very fulfilling.”

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