Gianna Antovoni: soccer

February 11, 2023

Continuing to support red, senior Gianna Antovoni committed to playing soccer at Midwestern State University next year.

Wingspan: What school did you choose?

Antovoni: “I chose Midwestern State University!”

Wingspan: Why did you choose that school?

Antovoni: “I chose this school because I loved the soccer and nursing program! While playing Division 2 soccer I can still focus on getting my nursing degree at one of the top schools. Also my best friends happens to be committed there for soccer as well which made the choice so easy!” 

Wingspan: Was this a hard decision to choose this school?

Antovoni: “It was not a hard decision! The soccer program had just recently been to the final for their conference and I knew I wanted to be a part of something I would have to earn my spot for, with a winning team and great coaches I knew it’s where I wanted to be to develop as a player and have a memorable experience.

Wingspan: What are you expecting from being a college athlete?

Antovoni: “I am expecting a lot of hours studying and a lot of hours working with my team. I know with trying to be a nurse it’s a lot of hard work because it’s so time consuming especially with soccer on top of that. So definitely lots of time management is going to be a must.

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