Cameron Kurak
Forward (2013-2016)
May 10, 2016
To coach Eckert,
The man who approached every practice the same despite his attitude, to put his team’s success first.
I want to thank you for holding me accountable for everything I did and demanding excellence everyday. You have changed the way I approached not only athletics, but life. You have helped become a better man on the court and off of it. You are one of the few people, who has left a mark on my life, that will be there forever.
For every time you built me,I am grateful. For every moment, you tore me down, I am grateful. And forever instance you taught me something on the court and off, I am grateful.
Not only did you teach me how to act on the court, you were a model of how to be a man, father, and husband, that I one day strive to be.
To the man who taught me something greater than basketball,
-Cameron Kurak