Moving forward: seniors to college

June 3, 2016

Sarah Swinford

For seniors off to college, next year will mean starting over.

In just a few months, college will be a major milestone in the lives of many seniors. Once seniors leave high school, they will enter a world which will offer many new experiences.

“I’m scared and I’m nervous I guess,” senior Marzie Awad said. “I don’t look forward to being a freshmen next year because I don’t know how it’s going to be like.”

Although some seniors have a fear of being a freshmen in college next year, other seniors are excited.

“I am really excited about being a freshmen in college next year,” senior Tori Benson said. “It’s a really great chance to get to start over. Sometimes in high school you get to find like different things that you don’t necessarily hold true to yourself and it’s a great chance to start over and let people see you the way you want them to and not the way that they put that on you so that’s super exciting making new friends, being in a new environment. It’s going to be awesome and so that’s what I really look forward to next year.”

Although there are some exciting things to look forward to in college, such as a new environment, there are some challenges that come with having a fun experience.

“I guess what I’m a little nervous about, that I’m not so super excited, is trying to make new friends,” Benson said. “Like the concept is exciting but I’m kind of socially awkward so getting there in a completely new environment with no one you know and like having forced yourself to get out there so that you have people to talk to, is going to be interesting. It’s going to require like some real effort because I’m an introvert so that’s going to be fun.”

While being in college may be nerve wrecking, college can bring more freedom and more experiences.

“What do I look forward to, I guess like a new experience like be independent by myself,” Awad said. “Like how life is going to turn for me.”

Although there may be some things to look forward to, including a new experience, some think high school will be the best experiment.

“My senior year was like a blow off year and it was so easy,” Awad said. “It was so fun so I don’t know about freshmen year.”

Although some seniors believe that senior year will be better than being freshmen in college, some seniors believe that college is going to be better due to more opportunities.

“In college it’s just a completely different experience because you get to really start your future like everything that you’ve been working up to at this point, you get to start actually doing that in college,” Benson said. “Working on your major, taking classes that really apply to what you want to do with your life not what you’re required to do, like in high school, so I think that that’s something that is different between senior year and your freshmen year in college because you really get to take a jump start into your actual future, what you really want to do. So that’s going to be fun”

Although some seniors believe that the last year of high school is more relaxing than junior year, college is usually when students get their first real taste of being on their own.

“What does college have to offer to me that high school didn’t, I think that it makes you a little more independent on yourself,” Awad said. “It helps you create your own personality.”

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