Featured Athlete: Rebecca Lescay
Sport: Basketball | Grade: 12
Years played: about 12 years
Height: 5’8”
Pre-game meal: Chick-fil-a
Hype song: rap
Inspiration: “My teammates, my family and my coaches are always encouraging and give me criticism in a way to build me up and make me a better player.”
Future job: “I’m not sure what I want to be, but maybe a doctor”
Wingspan: What’s the hardest part about basketball?
Lescay: “The practices are hard because they are long and always intense. We also do suicides so running can be really tiring”
Wingspan: How do you prepare for a game?
Lescay: “As a team we listen to music and we also have a scouting report that tells us what we are doing during the game. We also normally circle up as a team and we all say something that we want to accomplish.”
Wingspan: What is your best memory on the basketball team?
Lescay: “Last year we went to the state championship which was really intense but a good experience.”
Wingspan: How have you improved after playing for the school for 4 years?
Lescay: “It expanded my skill set and my basketball IQ making me a smarter player.”
Wingspan: How is the team preparing you for the upcoming season?
Lescay: “The push me everyday to be the best I can be.”
Wingspan: How do you think the team will do this year? Do you think they will make it to state again?
Lescay: “I think we will do really well this year and yes, we will make it back to state.”
Wingspan: Are you planning on playing basketball for college?
Lescay: “Yes, as of right now I plan on going to The University of Tulsa.”
Keegan ‘KEEG$’ Williams, is a senior and Editor-in-Chief for Wingspan. She likes to partake in many activities such as watching Youtube and talking...