First pep rally features decades of dancing

Dancing Through the Decades was the theme of the first pep rally of the 2017-18 year and Wingspan was there to capture some of the highlights.

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  • Cheerleaders helping Tim Wynia ask Ashley Pennington to homecoming.

  • Sisilen Simo holding up a sign for sophomores to cheer.

  • Associate Principal Ziaer preparing himself for the teacher/student dance off.

  • Eli Crentsil and fellow student dancing in the crowd.

  • Cheerleaders performing their routine.

  • Teahcers dancing in the dance off.

  • Andrew Peters, student winner of the dance off, dancing on the floor with fellow students.

  • Students in the senior section reacting to the dance off.

  • Students getting ready for the dance off.

  • Teachers and staff react to the teacher, student dance off.
