Photo Gallery: AQR puts on Cafeteria Carnival

Keegan Williams

Carnival games are set up in the cafeteria, and students take notes on the players score.

Using statistics to help determine the probability of success, Advanced Quantitive Reasoning students hosted a carnival of games in the cafeteria on Friday.

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  • Students in Advanced Quantitative Reasoning held a carnival in class to study probability.

  • “We are doing a probability unit so they are paying attention to the theoretical probability and experimantal probability of the game,” AQR teacher Scott McGarrh said.

  • Students from other classes came to the cafeteria to play the games set up.

  • “It’s a fun way to learn about probability and get to have fun in class,” senior Fernando Garcia said.

  • Students are able to come in throughout the day to play the gams and win candy prizes.

  • Carnival games are set up in the cafeteria, and students take notes on the players score.
