No script equals no problem for improv troupe
Marisa Uddin and Caitlyn Kleibert
January 29, 2018
Improv is a form of performing where the actors and actresses have no script and on Friday night in the black box theatre, the school’s troupe performed a wide array of games and scenes that were created on the spot
Each game had a generic format which the performers follow, however the topic and actors for each game were either drawn from an envelope or called out by the audience.
“It’s really fun just being able to work with amazing actors and just coming early in the mornings every week to do fun games like improv and stuff.
“We come Tuesday mornings at 8 and Friday mornings at 8 until 8:50 like every week for the whole school year, so it’ really fun,” sophomore Natalie Brooks. “Honestly it’s kinda nerve-wracking since we think of everything on the spot, just whatever pops into your brain you say. whenever you get the hang of it and just say whatever off the top of your head it’s easier.”