Featured Athlete: Jada Williams
Grade: 9 | Sport: Cross Country
Wingspan: How long have you been running cross country?
Williams: “I started cross country in seventh grade, and then I’ve loved it ever since.”
Wingspan: What got you started in the sport?
Williams: “The challenges that come with it, and just getting better at running.”
Wingspan: What fuels your passion to run?
Williams: “I would say I’ve just always loved running, and it’s always been with me.”
Wingspan: Are there any goals you want to pursue this season?
Williams: “I want to get my 5K time under twenty minutes.”
Wingspan: How are you working to improve?
Williams: “I just need to push myself, having a positive mindset, and improving every meet.”
Wingspan: Is it nerve wracking being the youngest on the team?
Williams: “It’s really exciting, and everybody is really nice and it’s just been really fun for me so far.”
Wingspan: How do you prepare before a race?
Williams: “What I’m saying to myself is you’re gonna go out there and you’re gonna do great, and just to keep going.”
Wingspan: What is your favorite part about cross country?
Williams: “I really love the people and being able to run together everyday, it’s really fun.”
Catie Reeves is a senior and is starting her fourth year in Wingspan as Sports Editor. Catie can most likely beat you in a handstand competition at any...