Featured Athlete: Jahson Ferguson
Grade: 11 | Sport: Cross Country
Wingspan: How long have you been doing cross country and what got you started?
Ferguson: “I’ve been running since I was eight and I started because I didn’t like doing football.”
Wingspan: What fuels your passion to run?
Ferguson: “Just being with my team and the fact that there’s always a higher aspiration to work for.”
Wingspan: What are your goals for this season and how are you working to achieve them?
Ferguson: “I just want to break 16 and I put in a lot of work over the summer and I’m just attacking every hard work out every chance I get.”
Wingspan: What is your favorite part about being on the team?
Ferguson: “The interaction and competition between runners we’re always trying to beat each other but at the end of the day we have each other’s backs.”
Wingspan: Are you planning to continue the sport in the future?
Ferguson: “Yes I hope to run D1 track.”
Wingspan: What makes cross country different from other sports?
Ferguson: “You can see tangible results really quickly.”
Wingspan: How do you mentally prepare yourself before a race?
Ferguson: “I try focus on what time I’m trying to run and remember where I started and how much I have left to improve.”
Catie Reeves is a senior and is starting her fourth year in Wingspan as Sports Editor. Catie can most likely beat you in a handstand competition at any...