Washed out, tennis looks to hang Heritage out to dry

Roy Nitzan

Receiving the most rain in one 24 hour period in the last 83 years, Friday’s tennis match against Heritage was postponed with the Redhawks leading 5-2. The match is scheduled to resume Monday at 4 p.m.

Aaron Boehmer, Assistant Sports Editor

Recording breaking rain led to Friday’s tennis match against Heritage postponed to Monday at 4:00 p.m. with the Redhawks leading 5-2.

With only four matches remaining and a 3-2 District 9-5A record, the team hopes to end the season strong and finish in the top four in order to compete in playoffs.

“We need to stay focused and play point by point; [not] get ahead of ourselves,” head tennis coach Erica Dopson said via email. “There are a lot of teams with similar records so we need to finish strong in the second half of the season.”