Featured Athlete: Zach Bishop
Grade: 11 | Sport: Basketball
Having played basketball for more than a decade, junior Zach Bishop first hit the court in kindergarten. “I like how fast paced it is,” Bishop said. “It’s not slow like baseball or football it’s just an up and down game.”
Wingspan: How long have you been playing basketball?
Bishop: “I started playing when I was in kindergarten and I’ve been playing ever since.”
Wingspan: What got you started?
Bishop: “High School Musical actually, I really liked Troy Bolton so then I started playing because of that.”
Wingspan: What fuels your passion to play?
Bishop: “Just to be better and win because I hate losing.”
Wingspan: Who inspires you to succeed?
Bishop: “My parents inspire me. They work hard so I should work hard too.”
Wingspan: What hypes you up before a game?
Bishop: “I listen to music, that’s about it really I kind of already get animated.”
Wingspan: What is your favorite part about being on the team?
Bishop: “I guess I like the comradery just being friends with everybody.”
Wingspan: What is something that you need to improve on?
Bishop: “Just working on being more athletic and faster and jump higher.”
Wingspan: What do you think is the most challenging part about your sport?
Bishop: “For me, I’m smaller than everybody else so it’s hard because basketball is such a game of height.”
Wingspan: What is your favorite part about the game?
Bishop: “I like how fast paced it is, it’s not slow like baseball or football it’s just an up and down game.”

Catie Reeves is a senior and is starting her fourth year in Wingspan as Sports Editor. Catie can most likely beat you in a handstand competition at any...