Senior Katharina Santos gives tips on reorganizing your life to minimize stress.
Less mess, less stress
February 4, 2019
Homework, AP classes, sports, and getting ready for college can really add up and create one big, fiery ball of stress. This can lead to overeating, undereating, anger, anxiety, sadness, depression and in some cases, alcohol and drug abuse. As a teenager, it can be hard to feel like we are in control of our lives, as we are constantly being told advice from parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers and other adults in our lives. I’m not gonna lie, the pressure can get overwhelming and the stress can really add up. As a senior, I can testify that the last four years weren’t a walk in the park, but I can say that I have accumulated a couple of ways to manage my time, schedule and sanity and I am very excited to share them with you.
The most important thing that I have learned throughout the last couple years is to prioritize. What I mean by this is, go through what you need to do along with what you are expected to do and list them by importance. If taking some “me time” is at the top, that’s totally fine. My advice to you when it comes to prioritizing is to put things into perspective and take a second to look at the big picture. In the long run, which is more worth your time; hanging out with your friends after school or studying for a big test? If you’re taking this seriously, you should stay home. Of course, I am not trying to say that you should just sit at home, study all the time and not have a social life, however I am saying that you need to take care of your business before having fun.
My next recommendation is to hang out with people that share the same values and morals as you. It is much easier to have the right mindset and resist temptations when you’re with people that believe in the same things. If you’re friends with people who prioritize studying and school work, there is a much higher chance that they won’t mind you staying in one night to study or they may even offer to help you.
Ultimately, life happens, but what’s most important is that we are learning along the way.