Although milk has been perceived as a nutritional source of calcium that strengthens your bones, the reality behind the beverage is actually the exact opposite. Senior, Katharina Santos dives into the nutritional realities of milk.
Milk mysteries
February 22, 2019
Ever since middle school, we’ve been instilled with the idea that milk is the greatest, most nutritious, calcium filled, magic serum. However, I’m here to tell you all about the secrets and information that the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know about.
Let’s first start off with the fact that humans are the only species on the planet that consume the milk produced from another animal. Cow milk isn’t made for human consumption, it’s made for baby cows, calves. The milk produced by cows is supposed to help calves grow rapidly and healthy, from 300 to 400 kilograms within a year to be exact, however humans don’t need to experience that same amount of growth. Before the agricultural revolution, humans only drank their mother’s milk and didn’t drink dairy as adults. With this being said, it is totally true that you can live a healthy life without dairy.
Although it’s often said milk “fortifies our bones,” it can actually help break them. Proteins that come from animals produce acid when it’s broken down and calcium is actually a great acid neutralizer. The body takes advantage of the calcium that it already has and the amount consumed from milk in order to clean out and neutralize the acids. A Swedish research team found that people who consume milk actually have a higher risk of bone fracture with higher intake of milk.
Research has been conducted done that shows that the hormones contained in cow’s milk messes with our human hormones and causes our skin get irritated. The high content of whey and casein in milk, stimulate growth and hormones in calves and the same goes for us when we drink diary. When our body digests and breaks down casein and whey, it releases a hormone like insulin called IGF-1. Scientists believe this is the trigger for acne breakouts. Sometimes, IGF-1 will confuse the other hormones in our body along with the endocrine system which also may be another reason for the acne breakouts. However, this can all be avoided simply by skipping dairy in your diet.
Another reason to consider skipping dairy is because it’s just down right inhumane. Female cows, after their first birthday, are inseminated. After they give birth, they lactate for ten months and the cycle continues for the rest of their lives. They stand on concrete floors in dark, crowded rooms, living in their own feces. Cows have a lifespan of about twenty years, however because of the nature of the dairy industry, i.e., diseases, lameness, and reproductive issues often limit cows in the dairy industry to a lifespan of 5 years.
My challenge to you is that you become more aware about the effects that dairy has on your body and the truths of the industry so that you can be a more educated consumer. Don’t sell yourself short on not living the best and healthiest life that you can live. You are worth it.