Senior Kanz Bitar puts in her two cents on popular hotspot Hiccups and Churroholic. The restaurant provides a plethora of food, drinks, and treats.
Hiccups and Churroholic fails to meet the hype
I’m not one for sweets but when it comes to ice-cream I’m always first in line. Hiccup & Churroholic has been on my list of endeavours so I decided to go there to try their famous churros. I ordered a cup of unicorn ice-cream and since never having tried matcha before, I decided to top the ice-cream with matcha coated churro and covered with fruity cereal.
Honestly it wasn’t that good but I think it was mainly because of the cereal, the flavor was really strong so I didn’t really get to taste the matcha. My favorite part of the dessert was the ice cream, no one can ever go wrong with ice-cream.
Two journeys in and I’m learning that there are hits and misses. Having not enjoyed this experience, Hiccup & Churruholic will not be one I will go back to any time soon.